Super Charge Fan Engagement

Unlock the Power of your Audience


A Creator Focused Loyalty Platform

Designed to Empower Creators to Take Ownership

of Fan Relationships



  • There are 50 Million Creators Today
  • There is 31 years of Video Content Uploaded Daily
social media

Platform Independence

  • There's a 32% Year over Year Decline in Organic Reach
  • Unpredictable Algorithmic Changes

Data Ownership

  • Emails, Phone Numbers, Behavior Patterns
  • Have the Ability to Build Real Relationships With Fans at Scale
about mobile apps

Build Beyond the Limits of Social Media and Own Your Hard Earned Audience

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Seamless Integration

Integrate with all social media platforms with ease.

Easy To Use

Simple, no code user experience.

Direct Communication

Communicate directly with fans.
Build real relationships at scale.

Customizable Design

All campaigns, rewards, and actions are fully customizable to reflect the creator's personality.

Access To Valuable Data Insights


Identify who is really engaging with your content.
Build direct follower connections.
Data analytics to see behavior for better fan interactions.

identify social image
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Build real relationships at scale


Cultivate a loyal community.
Group message behavioral cohorts.
No social media platform dependence.

Reinforce Engagement


Incentivize Crator aligned actions.
Standout amidst growing competition.
Reward experiences, personalized prizes to top Fans.
Personalized reward system reflecting your personality.

Real Relationships

Position for Longevity and Growth

Today's Fans are looking for recognition, and connection.
Let KOR simplify Fan loyalty, and you do what you do best,